TLDR: Quiz was a raging success. We’re extending the quiz slightly for the next week for those who couldn’t make it – for a £5 donation, if you can correctly guess the movies and characters from the picture rounds, we’ll put you in the draw to win a surprise, silly, light hearted prize. Photos under the post!
Donate here:
Draw will be made on Friday 31st.
Rules: Open world wide. Add your answers in the note (please also untick the goods and services box, else the transaction fee will come from your donation). Donations will be matched, so please dig deep!
Additional side notes: #5 – any of the movies he appears in is fine. It’s hard to know exactly which film this image is from!
WELL! I don’t even know where to start – the online pub quiz was a raging success!! Tony and Tess did a PHENOMENAL job of running our quiz. The rounds were hilarious, some questions were easy, others were more difficult (we’re rubbish at quizzes, so I was pleased to be able to answer some of them – though I found the music round to be particularly entertaining!)
There was an NKH round which, if I’m honest, I struggled with. I did a bit of a spiel and honestly, I hate doing the spiel. We do it because spreading the word about NKH and the realities of it is important, but oh. Telling people your kid has a terminal disorder, and is likely to die and lives a really grim reality is emotionally hard. I’ve been doing the spiel for over three years now, and each time I get teary. It’s important that people know, but oh. It’s so hard.
We’re grateful that people are kind, afterwards so many people sent a lot of lovely messages sending their love and support. It sounds really stupid, but making ourselves vulnerable, and opening ourselves up – even at just a quiz – it’s really really personal to us.
I had to take a mini break mid quiz after the spiel, it’s been a long time since I’ve had to say out loud, to an audience what life with NKH is like. Listing symptoms and average death ages and just – just how limited life with NKH is. We try so hard to put a positive spin on things, because how else do you live with the day to day of grim? But peeling all that back and being truly honest, it cuts down all the defence mechanisms I’ve put in place to manage.
But, like I said, we have hope (and I hold so hard to that hope it’s ridiculous). In research, and a gene therapy cure and that one day our reality will be a thing of the past for families like ours, because life with NKH WON’T EXIST. There will be an EFFECTIVE TREATMENT! (I’m getting shouty, because the idea that kids won’t need to suffer seizures and developmental delay and be severely disabled and die because of NKH is HUGE)
Which is why I do the spiel, even though it’s hard. Because the hope and the dream is worth it.
I’m grateful for Tony and Tess smoothing over my emotional moment with grace and kindness, acknowledging the hard and gently guiding the tone of the quiz back to fun and light while not taking away from the purpose. Honestly, they’re such pros.
And YOU GUYS! We raised £1880, which will be matched, thanks to Tony’s employer.
But we think we can raise a smidgen more (the NKH cure dream is strong, you guys). So we’re opening up the Picture Round for everyone who couldn’t make it on the night.
for a £5 donation, if you can correctly guess the movies and characters from the picture rounds, we’ll put you in the draw to win a surprise, silly, light hearted prize.
Donate here:
Draw will be made on Friday 31st.
Rules: Open world wide. Add your answers in the note (please also untick the goods and services box, else the transaction fee will come from your donation). Donations will be matched, so please dig deep!
Additional side notes: #5 – any of the movies he appears in is fine. It’s hard to know exactly which film this image is from!
Side note: if you’d like to donate and not play, thats okay too. If you’d like to donate more than £5, or less, we’re grateful for any contribution!
Please get involved, we’d love to hit the £2500 mark.
Again, thank you to everyone who came to the quiz. We had 37 teams from all over – in NZ, the US, the Netherlands, Scotland, England. It was mind blowing. To everyone who donated and sent messages and was so clearly on Team Mikaere. We love you guys. We couldn’t live this life without your support x
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How to play:
- Make a donation to:
- In the notes name the movie and character!
- (Surprise, silly and light hearted) prize drawn 31 July