Rock Choir Concert

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Last week the Dunstable Rock Choir did an informal concert for Team Mikaere, to help us get ever closer to our momentous goal. It was a great night and after a long trip up from London, even the little man himself was there!

Kai’s Grandma (my mum) sings in the Rock Choir and she asked Pippa, the Rock Choir Leader if they’d mind putting on an event for us as they’ve helped support charities in the past. They said yes! We’re so pleased to have the support from Pippa and the Rock Choir and we’re so grateful for everyone who was there that night.

The evening was amazing, there were around 130 people packed into the local school hall, complete with a massive stage and a wicked spread of food. It was good to see what mum does at rock choir and there really was a good community spirit the entire evening. The singing and performances were amazing – Kai was lulled off to sleep, and was woken a few times by the set list, but generally was pretty well behaved the entire night – for which we are thankful!

During the night, £698.20 was raised, there was a MASSIVE raffle. Seriously – it was huge, so many people brought things to have in the raffle (we didn’t win anything), and a donation bucket went round at the end of the show. In additional to that, another £150 in donations were made in the following days afterwards by people we had met there. We did get up in front of everyone and gave a little talk about us, and how the money would be used to help fight Kai’s disease.

Kai made a bunch of new friends and enjoyed the singing. Singing is generally his favourite. Closely followed by classical piano, Disney Pixar movie soundtracks, and then lounge jazz.

Welcome to Team Mikaere

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Following on from the success of Mikaere’s initial Just Giving campaign, we’ve been spurred on to continue raising funds to help research the shit out of NKH, but we can’t keep asking for money, that gets boring real quick. So instead we’re planning some fundraising events, and so are many of our friends and family!

The amount of people who have bounced ideas off us or reached out with how they can help is incredible.
We both bang on about how grateful we are and I won’t stop now. You continually turn up to help us, and it means so much that you now want to join in and fundraise with us with the aim of beating NKH.
So Team Mikaere grows, and we’re mega excited as there’s a lot in the works; corporate sponsorships, brass bands and choirs, raffles and BBQs, pub quizzes and cake sales. The list goes on.

We’ve set ourselves (and the team Mikaere collective) a fundraising goal of £100,000. It’s a massive target to hit but we never dreamed we’d raise as much as we have already. This is roughly how much it costs to run a research project for a year, so it’s symbolic and while it’ll probably take years to achieve, Elly and I are determined as hell that we will make it!
Besides, we’re already 11% of the way there.

I will aim to post an update on the blog to update everyone with all the fun stuff that is going on each month.

Go Team Mikaere!!!

P.S. If you’ve got an idea just speak to one of us, or email us!