
What we’re up to… June 13, 2024 at 06:38AM

By 13th June 2024 No Comments

Fancy an achievable moving challenge for a good cause? Because 1 in 3 babies born with NKH won’t see their first birthday (💔), and the others live with seizures and pain and dystonia, and are unlikely to see their tenth birthday (💔). We can change this! With just walking (!)

The NKH 100 Mile Challenge is kicking off in TWO Weeks – if you want to sign up, now is the time!!

You can do this challenge from anywhere! America? Perfect. UK? New Zealand? Australia? Spain? Portugal? France? Yes, get in! It’s a virtual challenge, we’re all in it together.

Join us! More info at www.nkhcharityrun.com #linkInbio

As always, the proceeds from this challenge go to support kids and families with NKH and research into gene therapy treatment for NKH, via the Mikaere Foundation.

The Challenge kicks off 1st of July. Sign up now! nkhcharityrun.com

Get in!

#nonketotichyperglycinemia #nkh #nkhawareness #ifhnkh #metabolicdisorder #teamMikaere #glycineencephalopathy #nkhcansuckit #cure4nkh #fundraising #nkhawareness #nkh100MileChallenge #raisingFunds #getMoving #100milechallenge #100milesinamonth from Instagram: https://instagr.am/p/C8JPnLCoN9x/

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