
What we’re up to… September 15, 2024 at 05:16PM

By 15th September 2024 No Comments

I cried on my knees, behind the closed door, after they took his chairs and slings and bath supports away. Two chubby young men, just doing their job. “So sorry for your loss” they said to my face. “So sad” they said when they thought I couldn’t hear. “Just a kid. She was really sad.”

I AM sad. I miss him, like a large swath of my core has been clawed out and is gone. It doesn’t seem real, how is this real, how is he not here (and I know how. I know how. But I can’t make my emotional self accept the unacceptable and so… I’m just a decimated piece of myself.

It’s been over a month. This is not easier 💔


We’re doing a London walk. In October. If you can be in London on the 26 October, please come. Come walk with me. from Instagram: https://instagr.am/p/C_8bURXoOdB/

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