
Dear Team Mikaere

By 17th February 2017 No Comments

That’s you, btw.

I feel like a broken record, but we are genuinely so grateful for the love, the messages, the help and support.

We keep getting messages from all over, from friends of friends, from prayer circles in other continents, from the folk in Toddington/Beds. There has been so much love, and we’re so grateful.

Thank you everyone for the gifts – we have been inundated with beautiful onesies (our guy is so well dressed now! With clothes that fit, so thanks for that) and the amazon gift cards have been very very helpful (example: we just got an electric steriliser. After months of sterilising with boiling water this method seems like magic).

There are people I still need to get back to in terms of research (sorry for the delay, our day to day got a bit hairy as Kai went through a grizzly patch) but I promise I’ll get back to you. There is much I don’t yet understand that I’d like to.

The biggest thank you has to be to people who are fundraising in Kai’s name. Honestly, we know there are a few events in the works, BBQ’s with raffles, a quiz night, a brass band concert, maybe even a bake sale in a consulate and a teddy calendar!

So, the Christmas campaign will end tomorrow, and we’ve set up a new just giving page for Team Mikaere: justgiving.com/team-mikaere.

If you are running an event, or if you’d just like to donate, it’s available. We support Joseph’s Goal, because one, Joe (another boy with NKH) is awesome, but also because they are UK’s only NKH charity, and because they support the research being done by Dr Nick Greene.

I can’t even begin to talk about his research. It brings me such hope to think that treatment is being investigated. That there are models to test with, that hypotheses are being knocked down or validated. Hope is on the horizon, you guys.

With every pound we raise we bring the research a bit closer. Literally. Not even kidding, because if we can raise funds for research, the researchers aren’t wasting time applying for grants, they can just get started. I know, because Dr Nick Greene emailed me to tell me so.

So, we have a goal. £100k. (Did anyone else gasp a little on the inside??). We’ve chosen that amount intentionally – that’s how much it costs for one year, for one postgrad researcher, with labs and resources to test something out.

So far we have almost raised £10k, between our two campaigns so far. 10% (I’m still blown away you guys!!).

So, to Team Mikaere – thank you for being on our team. Thank you for fundraising. Thank you for following our story and sending all the love. Thank you for being in on this with us. 100k. Totally doable, right?

PS – we’re going to get Team Mikaere shirts made, all profits to research of course. The kicker? Mikaere will get one that just says ‘Mikaere’ – Sam laughed so hard when he thought of it x

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