
On the Chicken Nugget Challenge!

By 4th March 2020 No Comments

Well. That was A LOT harder than most people thought!! Originally we set it up because we wanted to do a challenge that was a bit more inclusive. Our last one was running, which isn’t everyones bag. It’s also London based, which isn’t ideal.  The chicken nugget challenge seemed like such a good idea!!

And it was, until I hit the 30th nugget and wasn’t interested in eating anymore. You guys – 30 nuggets is A LOT of nuggets. That we’d even asked people to eat 50 just seemed ridiculous. (Having looked into in the run up, I saw that people had eaten 50, but didn’t take into account how difficult it was).

We had 23 people join in, 9 teams, across two different countries in 5 different cities/towns. We collectively raised over £2500 for NKH Research!

Well done us! Proof:

If you want to donate, you can at: https://www.justgiving.com/team/nkhchickennuggetchallenge

Again, thank you to everyone who took in the challenge. THANK YOU to everyone who donated and sent kind words. You guys are the best, and we’re grateful!!


A bit about NKH and where all our funds go:

We’re raising money for NKH Research. Nonketotic Hyperglycinemea (NKH) is a rare and terminal metabolic disorder that affects children. It means they can’t process glycine, which is a neurotransmitter. Toxic levels of glycine cause the neurones to overfire and die, causing brain damage.

This is shown as seizures, severe global developmental delay (delays in physical, intellectual and social development), low tone, causes children to be severely disabled.

Joseph’s Goal supports Prof Nick Greene at UCL in London, who is working on gene replacement therapy – a treatment which would radically improve the quality of life of kids with NKH.

Because NKH is so rare and is funded by families, every single penny helps. Every single pound raised has a tangible effect on what can be done. The funds raised by families last year sped up research by 18 months – this is significant, when 80% of children with NKH don’t see their first birthday.

We support Joseph’s Goal specifically because they are the only NKH charity supporting Prof Nick Greene, who we genuinely believe is the closest to a clinical trial, and therefore an effective treatment for Mikaere.

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