Ta da! Please, exclaim all about the glory that is this BEAUTIFUL COVER! I’m so chuffed you guys, the book is so beautiful. I’m really really excited about getting this Charlie book sorted and out the door!!
We’re hoping to have it ready for ordering at the end of November, and behind the scenes it’s a lot of back and forth with Zoë (the amazing illustrator, of @zoeellison fame), locking down ISBN’s, wrangling the basics up to Amazon and IngramSparks (both systems could definitely use some dedicated UX love!)
I’ve also sent out the bulk of the translation spreadsheets this week. So far we’ve had volunteers cover: French, Italian, Hebrew, Finnish, Turkish, Dutch, Filipino, Polish, Spanish, Welsh, Irish Gaelic, Icelandic, German and Brazilian Portuguese. I’m so grateful to everyone who has reached out, and either finished their translations or are part way through.
If you’re interested in translating Charlie into a language not listed above, I’d love to hear from you. You can sign up at: https://forms.gle/Vt4V2NjeGKojWN93A #linkInBio
Keep an eye out, hopefully (fingers crossed, may ALL THE POWERS THAT BE allow it) the next announcement will be that it’s available for order! Mark it in your calendars – Nov 30th, it’s happening! #CharlieTheCrow #booksForCharity #BooksForWednesdays #BehindTheScenes #translatorsNeeded #nkhAwareness #sensoryBook