This feels impossible. Absurd. Unreal. Our boy has died. He DIED. And since then his body has slowly, gently been doing what dead bodies do. (This is absurd. How is he dead how is he dead how is he dead). I’m meant to be sharing about Kai’s funeral, which is today. If you don’t have the streaming link, please send me a text via WhatsApp (+44 7770389467) and I’ll send it to you. It starts at 12:30pm, BST.
If you’d like to donate in Kai’s honour, you can donate here if you feel moved to:
Thank to you to everyone who has donated – we appreciate you so much <3 The funeral starts around 12:30pm BST. You can work out the time conversion, here: https://savvytime.com/converter/bst/aug-21-2024/12-30pm (Moe mai rā our sweet boy, moe mai rā. We love you x) from Instagram: https://instagr.am/p/C-7OM_uow4o/