
On Eva the Adventurer

By 20th September 2021 No Comments

When we first released Eva the Adventurer, this is how small Mikaere was. He was teeny tiny back in 2017 (!!!) Most of you brought a copy – you know the story. I was desperate to *do* something. To help fund a cure for NKH, to raise money any which way I could – and so, despite my lack of illustration skills I wrote and illustrated, and published Eva. So many of you volunteered to translate it into 23 (!) different languages, and just, woah. I put it up on Amazon, and then life happened. I’ve not marketed it or really mentioned it. But, the universe kind of stepped in and helped.

As of this month, we’ve sold just over 4000 copies, and raised £5,000 for NKH Research. That this little book has raised so much for NKH research is just… I couldn’t have imagined we could have raised that much with a book. I’m grateful, for everyone who has purchased a copy, who has shared photos of your kids enjoying it, who has gifted copies – you guys are AMAZING and just, thank you.

They’re available on Amazon, please buy a copy if you’re able: https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=eva+the+adventurer

The book is bilingual, and available in many languages (the top 10 of 2021 are: Dutch, Swedish, Welsh, Africans, Irish, Finish, Spanish, Italian, Scottish, German. English on it’s own doesn’t even get a look in!). If you don’t have kids, please consider purchasing a copy and donating it to your local library, play centre or school.

If you’ve already bought a copy, would you mind leaving a review? It turns out reviews power purchase decisions! #bazaarvoice #otod #dontStopBelieving

Thanks hey. We couldn’t have raised this much money for NKH Research without you. All the royalties are deposited directly into Joseph’s Goal’s bank account. We don’t see a single penny (hurrah for making things easy!)

#EvaTheAdventurer #nkhAwareness #nkhCanSuckIt #bilingualBooks #kidsLit #kidsbookshelf #kidsbookswelove #childrensbooks #kidsshelf #kidslit #raisingReaders #booksForKids

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