
Meet Charlie

By 1st October 2021 No Comments

I’d like to share a project we’ve been working on. Introducing Charlie.  Charlie is the protagonist of the next charity children’s book. Eva was *such* a success, it seemed like a good idea to add another book to the line up.

I’ve been working these last few months with Zoe Ëllison,

who is an illustrator – that’s right, no more will you need to suffer my amateur illustration skills. Instead, Charlie is *beautifully* illustrated by a *real illustrator* (much excitement and dancing, because Zoe is AMAZING!)

You guys, meet Charlie.

Charlie is a crow, who is super good at honking (and who doesn’t love a good honk, hey?) Except… the other crows make fun of Charlie (boo!). So Charlie goes on an adventure to find other birds who sound like him. It’s pretty cool. A book about gently accepting differences – being different is okay.

The other super cool part is that this book has been designed as a sensory book. Sure, the book up front is exactly as you’d expect, pictures and words and a story. Buuuut the back half is full of suggestions for how to experience the story with your other senses. There are AAC symbols, and cut outs so our CVI friends can isolate each bird, there is a link to audio cues so you can hear each bird call, and there suggestions for things you can touch, or smell or feel. Inclusivity for our disabled friends with sensory or learning differences – it’s important.

So here’s my ask.  Eva was translated into so many different languages by volunteers (THANK YOU!) and I’m positive that’s why Eva has been so successful and raised as much money for NKH research as she has.  Would you be willing to help translate the Charlie book into a language you speak natively? It’s approximately 1250 words all up. All languages welcome, and you’d get translation credit.

But here’s the thing – last time I put all the words into a google spreadsheet, made it public and let everyone go to town. Some rascal altered some of the translations into naughty words. We caught it before the books could go to print, but it’s meant a lot of work on our part.

If you’d like to help translate the book, or triple check a translation to make sure the meanings are accurate (and that there are no naughty words!) please fill out this form here:


I’ll email you back with your very own spreadsheet (if you want to translate, or a copy of a translation if you want to check). That way we know who you are, and hopefully no rascals will interfere this time.

I’m so excited for this book. As before, every single penny from the sale of these books will go to directly to Joseph’s Goal, for NKH Research.

NKH – were coming for you. We’ll fund a cure one way or another.

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