In all the photos I’m in comfy clothes, hoodies and pj trousers, rather than ‘take me seriously’ hospital clothes.
Today I know that I could wear a hoodie and pjs and still go head to head with the lead consultant on the unit, if I had to. I know that a day at home is better than a day in hospital, and nothing to be taken for granted. I know that if I could do that day again as me today, it would be a doddle. And I wish I could. I wish I could just step into that photo and be there with my boy. But I can’t, because he DIED.
Today there was lady whose kid whacked mine the face with a bit of plant. Mine burst into tears (it was the last frustration in a long line of frustrations, rather than the delicate brush of leaf to the face) and she felt the need to manage hers. Halfway through she got overwhelmed and burst into tears. She had to leave and said that she had ‘a lot going on’. A difficult day, for her, for sure. It felt odd to be the composed one. To also not be crying all over the place, to be kind and not just… flipping between raging at the world and genuinely so distraught. Because I am, still. I think I always will be. from Instagram: https://instagr.am/p/DCY0yBDNZ7Z/