Waitrose has a local community charity campaign… where every month they give £1000 split between three local charities. A while a go I picked up a form from the welcome desk about the applying process. It was just a small form about the charity and a little blurb. I posted it back in and didn’t hear anything back.
That is, until the next month when a friend noticed it while she was doing her shopping.

Two weeks later, we were very excited to see how many green coins out bucket has in it.
Honestly, it’s small things like this that make such a huge difference. Josephs Goal is the charity we support. It’s the only NKH charity in the UK. They, in turn, support Prof. Nick Greene, who we’re trusting to come through with a gene therapy cure. We’ve pinned all our hopes for a future on him. When I’m having a hard time, I’ll silently send a quiet moment of encouragement to Nick Greene + his team. I’ll send hope, and will them a step or two closer to a clinical trial. A step or two closer to a cure for Kai.
The thing is, Prof. Nick Greene is funded by families like us. And to be clear – there are only a handful of us fundraising for a cure with Josephs Goal. Less than the number of fingers on your hand.
Which is why a portion of funds from Waitrose is so profound for us. A few hundred pounds makes such a difference. (Thank you, Waitrose Southside goers for being so generous with your green tokens!)
So, here is my ask: if you live by a Waitrose that has a Community Matters program (or an Asda with their Chosen by You program or Tesco with their Bags of Help scheme) please pick up a local charity form. Nominate Josephs Goal. Any info you need can be found on the website – www.josephsgoal.org.
It’s such a small thing to do, costs you nothing but a small amount of effort and could have such an impact for us.
Please help, if you can.