This is peak NKH. This is what Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia looks like. Many babies born with NKH don’t survive this stage. Kai almost didn’t, but I’m getting ahead of myself.
We were exhausted, I was in so much pain post birth, but we were so very hopeful, clinging desperately to hope and love. Because he is so very loved, from this moment eight years ago, to right now. Fiercely loved, and so very missed 💔
Kai would have been eight yesterday. If you’d like to help celebrate his birthday, please consider donation £8 in his memory:
Please donate, if you’re able.
#nonketotichyperglycinemia #nkh #nkhawareness #ifhnkh #metabolicdisorder #glycineencephalopathy #teamMikaere #theMikaereFoundation #nkhcansuckit #cure4nkh #nkhResearch #fundraising #legacy from Instagram: https://instagr.am/p/DBBK4rmPsnP/